Thursday 28 October 2010

Cardboard Catwalk !

Here are the photos from the cardboard catwalk. Our assigned artist was Jackson Pollock, who specialises in expressive painting , he flicks , splatters and drips paint and usually uses very vibrant colours. To emphasise the freedom of painting pollock undertook , while onstage i painted myself with the paints in my buckets so that the audience could understand the energy in his paintings.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Magic tools.

Today , we had to make drawing tools out of various materials and connect them to wooden sticks, below is a picture of the sticks i produced, each different textures and sizes.
We then had to use our drawing tools , dipped in ink to explore the quality lines and then to draw one of our tools, this coincides with the alternative drawing post , whereby i am once again creating a drawing outside of the norm of using pencil.

Alternative Drawing ...

Task; Expore a new way of drawing a household object away from the traditional use of a pencil.

My chosen object - A candelabra ( a traditional term for a candlestick).
My chosen method -  Printing with acrylic paint on cloth and various materials such as ; satin and stitching around the print with thread. Below is the process of my ideas leading up to this method and also the final result of it.

3 to the D

Well, 3D object making has never been my strong point , but i definatley gave it my best shot.

The task entailed drawing a small object which could come apart, but at the same time have some aesthetic value.
I choose a plug.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Shine a light.

Task : Investigate the use of lighting and camera shorts in various film scenes and then use this knowledge to photograph your altered computer.

-I chose to use the films - El laberinto del fauno ( Pany labyrinth), La lengua de las mariposas ( Butterfly) and Swan lake.

Stairways and Signs

My own mind map with visual cues to useful places all around the university by focusing on the stairways and signs...