Tuesday 16 November 2010

Disappearence entangled with worries.

Here i have entangled both these projects together - Being wrapped in your own worries can cause the feeling of needing to hide or pretend to be somebody else , but all masks wear away.

Dissappearence video

Continuing on from the dissappearence project , here are my video stills from the video in which my clown make up gradually wears away.
"All masks wear away "


Disappearence - my interpretation on this word was to disappear/hide behind something else, for example ; hide your emotions by pretending to be somebody you are not.
I have also created a character for an emotion for each letter of my name. A I D O I A. Anger , Indifferent , Distressed , Observant , Indescribable , Apathy.

Size and scale.

For this project i have expanded my 'wrapped in worries' ideas by emphasising that it is hard to escape your worries and you can always be reminded by them if you let them control your life.

Text and Image

"Wrapped in worries" - The concept of being restricted and unable to function in everyday life due to being controlled by your worries.

Thursday 28 October 2010

Cardboard Catwalk !

Here are the photos from the cardboard catwalk. Our assigned artist was Jackson Pollock, who specialises in expressive painting , he flicks , splatters and drips paint and usually uses very vibrant colours. To emphasise the freedom of painting pollock undertook , while onstage i painted myself with the paints in my buckets so that the audience could understand the energy in his paintings.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Magic tools.

Today , we had to make drawing tools out of various materials and connect them to wooden sticks, below is a picture of the sticks i produced, each different textures and sizes.
We then had to use our drawing tools , dipped in ink to explore the quality lines and then to draw one of our tools, this coincides with the alternative drawing post , whereby i am once again creating a drawing outside of the norm of using pencil.

Alternative Drawing ...

Task; Expore a new way of drawing a household object away from the traditional use of a pencil.

My chosen object - A candelabra ( a traditional term for a candlestick).
My chosen method -  Printing with acrylic paint on cloth and various materials such as ; satin and stitching around the print with thread. Below is the process of my ideas leading up to this method and also the final result of it.

3 to the D

Well, 3D object making has never been my strong point , but i definatley gave it my best shot.

The task entailed drawing a small object which could come apart, but at the same time have some aesthetic value.
I choose a plug.