Monday 14 February 2011


My next project is based on diseases, mainly necrotizing fasciits which is a facial disfiguration disease , and it interests me in regards to how it can affect the issue of identity.

Friday 14 January 2011

Fugue State

Cearly , i am interested in memory disorders therefore i wanted to continue on that theme, but this time focusing on the fugue state whereby memory loss occurs as a result from a traumatic event.

Stopping time

In regards to time , i have focused on memory, in particular, memory disorders.
The memory disorder which interested me the most was 'Amnesia'.
Also the question which i concerntrated on in this project is ' what if you had a memory disorder and you couldn't remember your own birthday'.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Disappearence entangled with worries.

Here i have entangled both these projects together - Being wrapped in your own worries can cause the feeling of needing to hide or pretend to be somebody else , but all masks wear away.

Dissappearence video

Continuing on from the dissappearence project , here are my video stills from the video in which my clown make up gradually wears away.
"All masks wear away "


Disappearence - my interpretation on this word was to disappear/hide behind something else, for example ; hide your emotions by pretending to be somebody you are not.
I have also created a character for an emotion for each letter of my name. A I D O I A. Anger , Indifferent , Distressed , Observant , Indescribable , Apathy.

Size and scale.

For this project i have expanded my 'wrapped in worries' ideas by emphasising that it is hard to escape your worries and you can always be reminded by them if you let them control your life.